
All the sources codes "Yet it works !"

 June 27, 2016 am30 01:30
/* A vendors way of adding padding... */

<p>       Jesus sinners doth receive;<br />
       Oh, may all this saying ponder<br />
       Who in sin's delusions live<br />
       And from God and heaven wander!<br />
       Here is hope for all who grieve:<br />
       Jesus sinners doth receive.<br /><br />
       We deserve but grief and shame,<br />
       Yet His words, rich grace revealing,<br />
       Pardon, peace, and life proclaim;<br />
       Here our ills have perfect healing.<br />
       Firmly in these words believe:<br />
       Jesus sinners doth receive.<br />
       (<em>LSB</em> 609:1–2)</div>
 June 07, 2016 am30 01:30
    public static final String escapePl(String s){
        StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
        int n = s.length();
        for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
         char c = s.charAt(i);
         switch (c) {
             case '?': sb.append("a"); break;
             case '?': sb.append("c"); break;
             case '?': sb.append("e"); break;
             case '?': sb.append("l"); break;
             case '?': sb.append("n"); break;
             case 'ó': sb.append("o"); break;
             case '?': sb.append("s"); break;
             case '?': sb.append("z"); break;
             case '?': sb.append("z"); break;
             case '?': sb.append("A"); break;
             case '?': sb.append("C"); break;
             case '?': sb.append("E"); break;
             case '?': sb.append("L"); break;
             case '?': sb.append("N"); break;
             case 'Ó': sb.append("O"); break;
             case '?': sb.append("S"); break;
             case '?': sb.append("Z"); break;
             case '?': sb.append("Z"); break;

            default: sb.append(c); break;

         return sb.toString();